Wednesday, September 25, 2019

How To Renew Your Youth

Abraham is the father of the faith and in Galatians 3:29 he reads and if you are Christ then you are Abraham's descendant and heir by promise. Abraham had two sons; one by a female servant and one by a free woman. The son by the slave woman is according to the flesh but the daughter by the promise of God. Now Sarah is the free woman and wife of Abraham and if Abraham is our spiritual father then Sarah must be our spiritual mother and that will make us heirs according to the promise.
What to do with recovering the youth you may ask; it's because Sarah's youth is renewed and we have spiritual DNA in us. Let me tell you two short stories about Sarah. In Genesis chapter 12 Abram (Abraham) and Sarai (Sarah) along with the others went to Egypt because of a great famine in which they were, Abram told Sarai to say that he was her sister because she was very beautiful and she knew that the Egyptians would kill her to get it. The king of Egypt wanted Sarai for his beauty and he brought her to his court but before he could make her his wife, God intervened and caused her to come to him and his house. He brought Sarai back to Abram. Sarah was old at the time but she was beautiful. Another similar story occurs in Genesis chapter 20 and this incident occurred many years later. Abraham again tells Sarah to say that she is his sister and Abimelech king of Gerar sends and takes her for her beauty but God tells her in a dream that he is a dead man because he has taken a man's wife. Abimelech brought Sarah back to Abraham. In chapter 21: 2 he read about Sarah being pregnant and giving birth to a son Abraham in his old age; that meant she had to go beyond her son's age but both kings wanted her because of her beauty. He had to be pretty in his old age because no king wanted an old sweaty woman in his court.
Our youth can be renewed in the way Sarah's youth is renewed because we have the spiritual DNA within us. Psalm 103: 5 read who satisfies your mouth with good things to renew your youth like the Eagles. If we believe and ask our youth to be renewed then God will provide it. We don't have to pay for expensive youth renewal products that may or may not work; we just ask God to do it for us and He will if we believe it.
Yes eating right and getting plenty of rest will slow down the aging process but it turns out it will catch up with you sooner than you would like but if you believe that your youth will be restored then you will start to look better than you have been before. is part of your legacy. We are the seed of Abraham and heirs to His promise of God. What God promised to Abraham and Sarah is ours now and we can ask and He will give it to us. Jesus said that all things can happen to those who believe that if we believe that our youth can be renewed then they will be renewed.

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