Friday, August 30, 2019

Colloidal Copper To Cure Cancer and Wrinkles?!?! - Fitnessential

Colloidal Copper: Learn more about Colloidal Copper is Rarely Educated, But So Much Used

Colloidal copper

Copper (and even colloidal copper) is a remarkable material considering that there are trace elements present in every human body. Each time you rearrange these trace elements and restore them to their original capacity, you will find that the body naturally echoes and becomes perfect and healthy again. However, we must state that inadequate research has been done into copper, even though you find it used everywhere in the world. Outside of its scope while helping fight cancer through increased hemoglobin and cell membrane structure that thickens and increases its capacity, we find that colloidal copper also has antiparasitic, rejuvenating and healing effects, especially when applied topically (on the skin).

One of the many colloidal minerals that has the greatest potential for treating cancer. "In 1930, work in France showed that colloidal copper injection mobilized and released cyst tissue. Recent assistants in America showed that the treatment of solid tumors with non-toxic doses of many copper organic complexes significantly reduced cystic growth and metastasis and thus improved survival, copper complexes do not kill cancer cells but cause them to return to normal cells. Based on the work of treating cancer using copper complexes, researchers have found that the same complexes may prevent or prevent cancer progression mice under conditions where cancer is expected to be induced.

This is definitely a way to stay younger and healthier and enjoy a fuller life while increasing your collagen supply to promote smoother skin. It is found to be effective when used internally, to strengthen the blood, arteries and veins and improve the circulatory system. Ideal for the treatment of skin wrinkles as well as for improving skin elasticity; has been found to be effective against parasites. Over the years many claims have been made in the use of copper to stop and reverse the process that causes hair to become gray. Copper can be an important nutrient. It is required for red blood cell formation, protein metabolic processes, RNA production, enzyme activity, hair and skin tone, and nerve health. Copper can be an important mineral that facilitates the play of several enzymes. These minerals play a role in the development and maintenance of the cardiovascular system, such as the heart, arteries, and other blood vessels, skeletal systems, and nervous system structures and functions, such as the brain.

Read more about this on my blog at:
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  1. I read and watched the video of blue man and I scare to take Colloidal Silver or any other Colloidal metal. I don't want to turn blue. He said he didn't turn blue until he put it on his face/skin. One lady on Youtube who took it also said she notice she turned blue but she fixed it using vitamin E. And why that blue man has short life? He died at 65 and of heart disease. I guess that those metal deposit some amount in the tissue maybe along the intestines wall and cause less absorption of nutrition.

  2. what is a good ratio of ppm to use for skin. does higher ppm mean more potency? i intend to only use it topically

  3. I was going to ask but you did say mix colloidal silver and colloidal copper .you think that you will interact with one another. I take silver everyday it has saved me so much and it's hailing me for my major health issue I've had for over 10 years from mold.i want to add copper to this. I weigh copper bracelet I'm very interested in Copper but the news out there is more scarier than colloidal silver and I think because copper is a healer. what do you think ?any advice? also I like adding pink salt to my water and I use distilled water to drink do you think I should add the chlorophyll or salts to my water still or leave it just natural distilled water any thoughts would be great thank you

  4. Can i ask how u how make copper .i make silver all the time.with millivolts that tells me what activities in water and silver is made . I have tried this for copper and the same as silver and I don't seem to work till I add a baking soda or a woman that I still don't know if it works cuz obviously the patch come and go up but the baking soda turn green after an hour or two is this correct? this is the way I need to make it to take internal and applied to the skin thank you

  5. Can I use both coloidal copper and gold?

  6. How can I make my own colloidal copper?

  7. Do you sell this colloidal copper, or should I make it myself?

  8. if minerals are good for health then why can't copper be good too. copper is just another kind of mineral . ultimately believe in your own personal research and beliefs.

  9. What about drinking water that has been stored in a copper bottle? Will that be sufficient?

  10. What do you know about homeopathic preparations? I i use Cuprum Metallicum will it do the job like colloidal copper? Any idea how these are manufactured ?

  11. Most of your statements are misinformation. 1. There are other antifungal sources. 2. King Salomon got his wisdom from God....too bad he corrupted himself with his foreign wives. 3. The druids and such are satanists. and some other comments..... disinformation and wrong information.

  12. this guy looks so young.. but he's 55 years old.. I can't believe it

  13. how about application ; how much to use on the skin, what can you mix it with lotion etc, how often to apply , have anyone seen used it and seen grey hair restored to its natural color?

  14. ever try to make mono atomic white gold powder?
    take .9999 gold just a sliver and hit it with 100,000 volt or more ends up being a about tablespoon of real mono atomic white gold powder.super conductive mineral
    some side effects are:
    heals the DNA
    life extension
    thought projection
    increased intelligence

  15. look at the endocanninoid system and how cannibinoids have been proven to cure cancer.
    they have had the cure for cancers for almost 100 years now.

  16. Copper is cheap, distilled water also. Make your own.

  17. This information is new to me so, Thank you.
    I did want to comment on your statement about copper being one of the only anti-fungals.
    Baking Soda is an anti-fungal and is being used to cure cancer by Dr. Simoncelli.
    Coconut Oil is anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, anti-virus and anti-parasitic, has the same medium chain fatty acid that's in mother's milk, is awesome for hair and skin and
    is seeing results in reversing alhziemers, dimentia and Lou Gargs disease.
    Speaking of metals, you forgot magnesium, vital for health, is in every cell.
    95% of people are magnesium deficient. Transdermal Magnesium oil has been a miracle for me, you'd love it, it feels great, study it.
    90% of people are deficient in Iodine, taken out of all the foods and added to the wrong kind of salt. Atomic Iodine can be absorbed into the body, or nascent iodine.
    Iodine will kill skin cancer, period. You should try and get the strongest you can get, here in the US that might only be 5 or 6 % but it will still work. Fact.
    Another mineral that reduces chances of getting cancer by 50% in women is Selenium. Not much in your diet.
    And last but not least, hemp or cannabis oil taken orally will cure almost all cancers including brain cancer. Check it.
    The foods we eat are poisoning us and most are hollow calories, we are not getting the minerals we need because of mono-cropping and gmo crops.
    Good luck everyone, grow your own, teach yourself.

  18. They turn gold into a white powder substance which called mono-atomic gold please do more research to get better understanding on that.

  19. What's the best liquid colloidal copper? brand name if you can please.. I've been using colloidal silver in liquid form in 30 ppm from mbi nutraceuticals in combination with Copper 2 mg from GNC,.. I bought them both at GNC. (For Daily use) (: Thanks in advancee

  20. If youre going to quote scriptural people like King Solomon,then tell it accurately...He achieved his wisdom and intellect from God,not from rubbing gold on his head

  21. yes where can we get it , what ppm are best for silver , copper, gold? amazon? trustworthy they have so many it seems but all seem like sketched. help please AS soon as possible please anyone

  22. Colloidal gold is poisonous for males.Why.Because males do not menstruate.

  23. People! People! Copper is toxic! It isn't as inert as gold and silver, it is highly reactive and copper poisoning is real. Look it up, as opposed to gold and silver poisoning to which you will find no results except for that one man who turned blue from consuming WAY TOO MUCH colloidal silver. Little is known by Western medicine about the benefits of colloidal silver, if it has any at all, but no mention of colloidal gold ever made it to any trustworthy website.

  24. yes, mix it with DMSO research heavily first, get your mam on HEAVy vegtable juicing and check her PH, get strips, and get her PH to 9, use the DMSO/lots of stuff, but you can mix Csilver with it, but do your research

  25. 3 9v batterys in series, connected to 99.99 silver rods, in distilled water,(steam collected),

  26. Hi LU4DeeepMan,

    Thanks for your reply, you were right to say do your research, DMSO did sound promising but it is dangerous to take with medication, i had to sneak the colloidal silver in to the hospital, which is difficult as you probably know the doctors and nurses dont understand anything other than the CONVENTIONAL.

    Many thanks.

  27. Thats some realy great info. Thanks for being so clear and to the point about it. I make my own CS and am working with copper . Looking for the right way to make it.

  28. HI TheFitnessential,
    Can Colloidal Silver on its own cure cancer for my mam, without the copper, i have already exhausted my budget on colloidal silver for my mam,i broke my collar bone had surgery and have to wait another five months to get the the hook plate out so i am out of work?

